Wednesday, January 7, 2009

2 days, seven hours, 42 minutes...

I'm counting it down. :]
Did you know Rick Astley has a greatest hits album? It's amazing.
I'm reading a collection of short stories by Stephen King, "Just After Sunset" and I would really like to finish it soon but I can't seem to concentrate long enough to read. I've already broken my new years resolution. I swore to myself that I would write in my journal (non-virtual one) at least once a day, and I have yet to write in it once this year. I really don't feel like doing much of anything anymore...I've been feeling quite lazy. I'd like to blame it on my hypothyroidism but I know it's just because I've spent the majority of these past two weeks laying in bed with my laptop. All of that will be changing soon week I will be working out every Tuesday, Thursday, and occasionally Friday. I stopped taking my meds so I really need to start doing something. Also, within this month I will be getting a vertical labret and my septum pierced :] I'm quite, quite excited.
I'm hoping to find a ride to the "Rough and Rowdy" this Friday because Hannah will be fighting in it. She's going to kick some major ass :D
I really hope my check from financial aid will be in my mailbox when I get back to my dorm. I'm already getting e-mails from teachers telling about reading assignments so I suppose I should start buying books as soon I get back. I really don't want to fall behind this semester.
Also, Madalyn your dog peed in the floor...twice. I stepped in it. :[


שָׂרָי said...

Stupid health problems and medications for them. D:

And oh, piercings! ^_^ Am excited for you.

b!nx said...

Did you see the Thanksgiving Day parade? The entire nation got Rick Roll'd by Astley himself. =]

& yay for your piercings. I want a monroe eventually.