Wednesday, January 28, 2009

So, this morning in English we went to the computer labs to do our peer reviews for the Literacy Narrative, which basically consisted of everyone going to the computer opposite of them. And I happen to bring my laptop with me today cause I love it and everyone else brings theirs, and I didn't really think much about someone else being on my computer with all of my things. The thing I dislike about the wireless internet up here is that after a while it times out and forces you to log back in, so when this kid was trying to post his review of my paper to our online class site,it timed out. So he got the professor and she saved it to my desktop for me to post at home.

I know many people don't understand my sense of humor, so I'm just wondering what they thought when they saw this:

Neil Patrick Harris Pictures, Images and Photos

But I guess it could be worse...I mean, my last desktop was this:


1 comment:

Brittanni said...

LMFAO, you made that your desktop? Amazing! At least it wasn't the last might have gotten kicked out or something lmfao.