Thursday, January 22, 2009

Favorite book?

This idea was stolen from a friend of mine :]

What is your favorite book and why?

I guess I should have included mine as well...

My favorite books are:
Psyche in A Dress by Francesca Lia Block
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath

both because they helped me realize a lot of things and shaped me into who I am. :]


שָׂרָי said...

I don't have a favorite book, but I can pick one of my favorites and ramble about it forever, and unfortunately for you, I'm about to do just that, 'cause I have nothing else to do. :]

Martin the Warrior by Brian Jacques. Yep. I read it for the first time in maybe fifth grade (I used to read the Redwall books under my desk instead of paying attention, lol) and it was the first book to make me cry. Martin was a pretty awesome mouse, with a pretty awesome sword, and his relationship with Rose was really sweet. I think the book communicated very well that they loved each other, despite it being a children's book and not really going in depth on the emotions.


Psyche said...

I haven't heard of that one, but it sounds super cute :]

b!nx said...

Prozac Nation definitely makes the list, even if I'm not sure it's by absolute favorite.

I read it at a time where I just really connected to it and it made me feel that if I was crazy, at least I wasn't alone in it.

Psyche said...

I heard of that one a while back and really wanted to read it. Then I guess I kinda forgot about it...

littlegirllost said...

I like Night. it is a powerful book. I also love .For One more day, % people you meet in Heaven, and Tuesdays with Morrie.

Psyche said...

I read Night my senior year in English. I really didn't think I would enjoy it, but I did. And yes, it is a very powerful book. The images it leaves you with stays with you for quite some time.
I think my favorite scene from that book would be when they are all in the little train car and the violinist begins to play. I thought that scene was absolutely beautiful.