Sunday, November 2, 2008

you're the only song I want to hear

So, it's 12:51 and I should be at least making an attempt to sleep, but I just can't bring myself to do so. I don't really know why but I'm having quite a bit of trouble sleeping at night. Even when I don't spend the first part of the day napping, It's very hard for me to just slow everything down. Sleep wont seem to come anymore. I haven't updated my blog in a while and I realized it was kinda pointless to have a link to it on myspace if I didn't use it, so I'm just going to write about whatever comes to mind at this point. My Halloween wasn't as filled with as much child like awe as I would have liked. I didn't even dress up. Hell, I didnt even go out. I did my laundry. I'm hoping next year will be better. It's the only holliday I really look forward to and it's a let down when it just passes with no memories to have. The rest of the weekend was pretty nice though. I spent it with Jeremiah mostly. He gave me a wonderful hair cut and Im liking it quite a bit. After I sleep on it I end up looking a bit like Zoolander, but it's worth it. Wednesday will be our one year anniversary. There was a brief period when we werent together, but we've come much too far to just start over. It felt like I was his the entire time anyways, and thats all that matters to me. He said the sweetest words earlier and It made me feel so amazing that I feel the need to post them

and...You are the greatest thing in my life...There is no question as to how much you love me...We have been through a lot together...and I am pretty sure our souls are so intertwined that not even god could separate us........You are my everything, and I know I mean everything to you...

I cant even begin to express how much it meant to hear that. I think for the first time in my life I'm actually going to be happy. I didnt think I'd ever be able to say that, but he gives me hope.

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